
Rise of the Elders combines turn-based strategy with Lovecraftian horror

Of cultists and fishmen

Rise of the Elders combines turn-based strategy with Lovecraftian horror

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Rise of the Elders is an upcoming strategy game, with a tad more madness than most. Inspired by the old ones and cosmic horror of the Cthulhu mythos, the game will combine challenging tactics with the need to manage your sanity while fighting nightmarish cultists.

Set in the 1920s, you guide a team of investigators on a globe-spanning mission to defeat a powerful cult. Your fight will be divided between investigation and combat: solving mysteries, meeting distant contacts, studying ancient relics, then facing cultists and otherworldly beings in turn-based combat.

As an RPG, your team can be upgraded and equipped with weapons and armor, granting new strategic options in Rise of the Elder's minimalist battles. Survive encounters, and evade permadeath, and you'll be able to expand your team's base and mange its sanity while learning mind-rending secrets.

Rise of the Elders is expected to release on iOS, Android, and Steam, and is currently seeking funds on Kickstarter.

Christian Valentin
Christian Valentin
Christian always had a interest in indie games and loves to give the games that so easily go unnoticed the attention they deserve