
Dragon Quest Wii promo app comes to iPhone

A rogue app appears

Dragon Quest Wii promo app comes to iPhone

It’s not quite the same as loading up your iPhone with DS RPG epic Dragon Quest IX, but it’s the closest us Apple fans will get to having the iconic blue slime on our devices any time soon.

Named Dragon Quest Monster Battleroad Victory Special Movie (it really rolls of the tongue), the Japanese only app shows off the opening cut-scene to equally incoherently titled Wii RPG Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road Victory, and provides some information on the upcoming game.

A glorified trailer it is not, though, giving you some special character cards, complete with barcodes that can be scanned in to the Wii game via a DSiWare download, or a mobile phone app. Ironically enough, that’s not compatible with iPhones.

Andriasang reports than an iPad edition of the app is in the works, if you really need to see that trailer on the big screen.

Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Mark Brown spent several years slaving away at the Steel Media furnace, finally serving as editor at large of Pocket Gamer before moving on to doing some sort of youtube thing.