
First screens of SpiritPad: The Oracle for iPad revealed

Future updates will include rune dice and tarot cards

First screens of SpiritPad: The Oracle for iPad revealed
| SpiritPad: The Oracle

As we revealed last week, Mad Monkey Militia, is doing something a bit different on iPad, with its SpiritPad: The Oracle release.

Labelled "an entertaining multiplayer experience with a supernatural twist", it emulates a Ouija board.

One person places a hand on the digital planchette while others touch any one of the spiritual conduits on the corners/edges of the board to channel their collective spiritual energies into the board/iPad.

Apparently, over time the planchette will begin to move and messages will be spelt out.

"Have fun or take it seriously and set up your own séance. Light some candles and invite your friends over for an evening of fun and mystical mayhem," suggest the Mad Monkey Militia in a non-conclusive-yet-buy-our-app manner.

The game/app will use the iPad's touchscreen, the accelerometer, and have simulated physics, while there are three designs of spirit boards, four planchettes, and two music tracks to choose between, although presumably you'll also be able to use any music track that's in your iTunes library.

After release, the SpiritPad will be updated with all manner of new features including more themed boards and planchettes, such as voodoo, 1940's dark noir and Cthulhu.

Planned gameplay modes include an oracle mode, fortune teller, rune dice, tarot cards and voodoo dolls.

SpiritPad: The Oracle is due to be released on 3rd April. Pricing is yet to be announced.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.