Game Reviews

Space Trek

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| Space Trek
Space Trek
| Space Trek

Okay, first things first. Despite the title, this game doesn’t have anything to do with Star Trek. It’s a space-based alien shooter, sure, but really isn’t akin to Kirk and Spock’s adventures.

Space Trek is pegged as a story-driven shooter, and while that’s true to a degree, the story outweighs the gameplay considerably. The gameplay shoots blanks compared to the colourful plot.

While Space Trek doesn’t have a deadly serious story at its core, the premise is tense enough and well-established.

Captain Jay (that’s you) is visiting the planet Knagar to pick up a group of stranded humans. Waltzing right in isn't an option because the native population prohibits humans from landing on the planet. The only other option is to infiltrate undetected and complete the rescue mission.

Deep impact

With a slick introduction, great voice acting, and impressive 3D graphics, the stage is set for thrilling action. Unfortunately, when the gameplay begins that fantastic premise breaks apart like a small meteorite hurtling through the outer reaches of the atmosphere.

You task is to scour the planet's surface for survivors to beam aboard while fighting off Knagar ships. The accelerometer handles steering, while a throttle is used for speed.

Tipping the handset backwards and forwards takes care of altitude, though the amount of control offered on the vertical axis is so minimal and awkward it barely seems worth it.

The winding terrain looks great, but such stilted controls make it a bugger to navigate. Entirely too much of your flying is done at a crawl.

This is especially evident when you’re trying to hover over a survivor to beam them up. Shifting back and forth uncomfortably is your only option since you're not allowed to hover in place.

Weapons, Mr Jay!

You do have a good supply of weapons, from phasers to mini-rockets, which allow you to deal with the small number of enemy ships that peck at you. None ever proves a real threat to your ship, which in turn saps the game of any challenge.

One interesting feature of Space Trek is regrettably badly implemented, though with some work could really bring the game to life.

Not only do you have the Knagar ships out for your human blood, but the planet itself has a few hidden dangers. Cruise along without paying proper attention to the ground and a huge Sarlacc-type creature shoots its jaws from the floor to snap at your ship.

Curiously, this almost always entails death. If there was a way to engage these imaginative enemies and obstacles without having to go back to the beginning of the level each time you discover one, Space Trek would have an exciting new dimension to its wooden gameplay.

While it bursts with potential, Space Trek doesn’t feel anywhere close to being ready for lift off. With better controls and more dynamic missions, the gameplay might rise to the quality of its presentation and premise.

Space Trek

Frustrating controls and sedate gameplay sap the massive potential for a beautiful and fascinating 3D shooter
Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.