
Whole Lotta Handhelds

Over 5 million PSPs sold say Sony

Whole Lotta Handhelds

Seems like everyone wants to get their hands on PSP with Sony announcing it’s already sold over 5 million of the blighters; with 2.3 million out in Japan and 2.7 million in the US, and that’s before a reported million PSPs are unleashed into Europe on 1 September.

Other figures revealed by Sony are that 48 PSP titles have been released with another 150 expected by the end of March 2006. In terms of games sold, the total is over 11 million with American PSP owners bulking out. On average they have bought 2.7 games per PSP compared to only 1.7 in Japan. Americans are also much bigger consumers of PSP movies with over 4 million (1.5 per PSP) sold in the US compared to an embarrassing low amount of less than 400,000 (which in reverse works out as one movie per 5.8 PSPs) in Japan.

In comparison, in June Nintendo announced it had sold 5 million DSs but of course that includes one million sales in Europe, so at the moment, it seems like it’s advantage Sony in the global handheld face-off.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.