Sexy Queens
| Sexy Queens

Although 'Sexy' is the most powerful brand you don't have to pay for, sometimes its magic just isn't enough to bring the right sort of pizzaz to a title. Sexy Soccer we get, Sexy Pillowfight? Absolutely! However, something like checkers starts to sound like a joke once you stick the hallowed 'sexy' before it. Sure, the tag will probably still net you a few downloads, though probably only as many as, say, Sexy Venereal Disease.

It's presumably under this realisation that this game has been dubbed Sexy Queens because, when you get down to it, it's essentially checkers with some lesser-clothed ladies involved. Fair play to the maker though, there's at least been some attempt made to link the two together.

In Sexy Queens, the premise is that these ladies are actually a dab hand at checkers, and you have to conquer each in order to see them in compromised states of dress. As an in-built difficulty curve, this is a neat enough idea, but even the first opponent will challenge newbie players.

The game uses – and this is to quote the game itself – 'official international Checkers rules'. What this would appear to mean is that you're trying to get your pieces to the other side, moving in single-square diagonal movements. Once you get a piece to the other side, it transforms into one that can move any number of diagonal spaces per turn, a veteran of the board if you will. Another rule is that if you miss the opportunity to take an enemy piece, the piece that could have done a bit o' checker smashin' is itself destroyed. Although not an incredibly hardcore rule, it does mean you might not be able to employ some strategies you're partial to using against your nan.

Obviously, your main aim is to get rid of all your opponent's pieces. Do this and you'll unlock a picture of your opponent. There are six to unlock in total, from Angela the 'beginner', right the way up to Diana the 'Grand Master'.

Although Sexy Queens offers a well-presented take on the classic game, it seems quintessentially at odds with its audience. It's more hardcore than a number of its mobile checkers/draughts rivals, and we're not talking in terms of adult content either. We're used to seeing proper tutorials, perhaps some prompts about where you can move your currently-selected piece, or at least a form of beginners mode for the truly casual fan. Maybe it's just us, but aren't gamers cruising for adult titles looking for an easy and fun way to unlock some adult content, rather than having a stiff challenge waved in their face?

Either way, this vanilla-seeming title – naked ladies aside –doesn't offer enough fun or raw content to get our recommendation. In an era of multiple game packs and compendiums, Sexy Queens stands out through a lack of positive features. Sure, there's multiplayer, but if you're going to feature checkers on its lonesome you at least need to pack some additional modes in there, adult game or otherwise.

Sexy Queens

Sexy Queens is a game not in-line with its audience. A bit too difficult for its own good, considering its adult roots, it doesn't come with any other outstanding features to mitigate for this