
Make virtual stink bombs with Science Papa DS

Remember Sodium and water don't mix

Make virtual stink bombs with Science Papa DS
| Science Papa

Back before the Department of Homeland Security started to frown upon such things, you used to be able to get home chemistry sets. The idea was that in a careful and controlled manner, you could create hydrides, metallic salts and the like. Actually all you did was make a big, brown, smelly, mess and fire water from the pipette at your brother. Happy days.

And it's this sort of atmosphere that Activision is (probably) looking to recreate on DS (and Wii) with Science Papa.

We're not too sure about Papa himself - he's like a cross between South Park's cook and Rufus Hound. He wouldn't be someone we'd trust around chemicals, virtual or otherwise. He's definitely ingested a few compounds in his time, if you know what we mean.

Back to the script.

Science Papa (the game) will "turn living rooms into virtual laboratories", as you're tasking with working through over 30 experiments, which you'll have to perform in mini-game competitions against a range of rival scientists.

Think Cooking Mama but mixing chemicals, pounding objects into dust, and lighting Bunsen burners instead of cookery. You'll also be able to compete against up to three friends in the local wireless mode.

Science Papa is due for release in July.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.