
ngmoco folds on Rolando and Topple App Store removal

Hope someone's keeping track of what's going on

ngmoco folds on Rolando and Topple App Store removal

Anyone would think we're covering a breaking political story or something.

Yes, in the past hour ngmoco has decided it's not now pulling the original Rolando game off the App Store when Rolando 2 is released on Wednesday (1st July).

Indeed, it's bringing back the original Topple too.

Says the tweet wot sez it:

"MJ: You've roared and we've listened. Rolando will stay put on the App Store. Topple is coming back. That's how we roll."

Rolled over certainly.

Whether anyone outside the hundred or so hardcore users who have commented on the situation really cares is another matter entirely.

Presumably it was decided in ngmoco towers that the PR value of demonstrating the publisher was listening to its fans was more important than any lost of momentum and revenue from the iTunes searchers who may now buy Rolando 1 instead of Rolando 2.

But, hey, considering ngmoco has raised $16 million in venture capital cash to-date, we expect it will somehow survive.

The longer term balance of power between iPhone publishers and developers, and the consumers they have a direct relationship with thanks to twitter, blogs and App Store reviews will be more interesting to watch however.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.