
Robo brings mechanical romance to mobiles

Love is puzzling

Robo brings mechanical romance to mobiles
| Robo

A robot's love life is one fraught with even more peril than that of poor young Romeo (you know, of Shakespeare fame). Romeo only had his lover's overprotective cousin and his own general wetness to contend with.

The protagonist of HeroCraft's new title, Robo, has to cope with lasers, bombs and mazes in order to be reunited with his mechanical sweetheart, Eny, making those hot-tempered Capulets look like a basket of playful puppies by comparison.

The gameplay is a sort of action puzzle blend where you guide Robo around the mazes, each of which is peppered with laser cannons that must be blocked with stones in order to clear the way.

You're also able to destroy laser cannons with bombs but seeing as both bombs and stones are scarce, you need to partake in some good old fashioned head scratching to make it through the 76 levels on offer.

So far, this is looking like quite a cute little puzzler with some pretty visuals and a decent core mechanic (geddit?). Click 'Track It!' to catch our forthcoming review.