
Revelation reveals God 2.0 on the iPhone

Includes free updates until the end of the world

Revelation reveals God 2.0 on the iPhone
| Revelation

Do you know your chapter and verse? Concerned that your lack of biblical knowledge might lead to eternal damnation? Well, as always, the iPhone steps in to save the day (well, all days, strictly speaking).

Revelation is a brand new spiritual quiz based on the End of Time prophecy from the Book of Revelation. Take the Age of Apocalypse quiz to see how well you know your scripture and put your immortal soul to the test – get all the answers right, and you're guaranteed a place in iHeaven*.

There's even a Saintly Top List in Revelation so you can compare the quality of your holiness with other biblical gamers. Hit the 'Buy It!' link to ascend to the App Store before judgement day or we'll see you in hell.

*Places limited – see the bible for further details.

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.