
Puzzllotto coming to App Store from United Lemur

New iPhone developer to do a lot of great work for chairidee

Puzzllotto coming to App Store from United Lemur
| Puzzllotto

United Lemur is a new iPhone game developer set up by Mike Lee; a founding member of Tapulous, which brought us Tap Tap Revenge, Twinkle and Fortune Cookies.

Slide To Play has been looking into Lee's new venture, which aims to concentrate not only on developing new iPhone games, but helping the touchscreen community in general.

"United Lemur is done with cynicism masquerading as realism," states the official website. "United Lemur takes the principles of engineering and empathy and relentlessly applies them everywhere, from community improvement projects in our chosen home of Cupertino, to sustainable development initiatives in the far off land of Madagascar."

As part of its noble new mission statement, United Lemur's first game, Puzzllotto, will apparently be donating 10 per cent of its profits to the Madagascar Fauna Group. In accordance with the nature of its benificiary, Puzzllotto is a puzzle game requiring you to locate and collect three different kinds of animals from a jungle scene, and is due for release any time now.

Hit 'Track It!' for more Puzzllotto news as it arrives.

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.