
Puzzle Quest HD out now on iPad

Simply the quest

Puzzle Quest HD out now on iPad
| Puzzle Quest HD

Transgaming's Puzzle Quest HD is out today for iPad.

The game revitalises the tired match-three premise with a whole +5 bag-of-holding's worth of RPG elements.

This iPad edition collects all three original Puzzle Quest games in one optimised HD package.

Given the furore around Puzzle Quest's original $10 price point, this (relatively) cheap collection is a real change of strategy for the franchise.

It's available on the App Store now, priced £2.99 / $4.99 / €3.99.

Richard Meads
Richard Meads
New intern Rich has been blessed with far, far too much free time and an overwhelming desire to jump on things. He tried doing the jumping in public, but people got scared. A lifelong addiction to platform games and a degree in creative writing later, he found his way to Pocket Gamer’s doorstep.