
Run, gun and gun some more in twin stick shooter Project Sanctuary

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Run, gun and gun some more in twin stick shooter Project Sanctuary
| Project Sanctuary

Yesterday, Tower Studios released its topdown shooter Shoot To Kill, and today Salient has released its similarly hellish action-based Project Sanctuary.

Basic gameplay is broadly similar in terms of the 'If it moves, shoot it' dynamic but as a twin stick shooter at least Project Sanctuary gives you the option to move around the levels.

Still, the most efficient way of playing the game seems to be when you don't move around too much - enabling you to rotate through the smallest angle to kill the most enemies.

Down the barrel of 26 guns

The game has plenty more options in terms of its RPG-lite features too.

There are four characters with different attributes you can play as, while completing levels rewards you with cash to buy more weapons (26 in total) and points to level up your skills (12 with five levels in each).

Completing the bulletpoints are 13 enemy types, 24 maps, 31 achievements and 182 pages of in-level graphics. Additional to the main Campaign levels are the four-way multiplayer co-op, Endurance and Arena modes.

Still, you'd be hard pushed to describe Project Sanctuary as being a sophisticated game. But if fast shooting action is what you're after, it's certainly what you'll get.

Project Sanctuary is out now, priced $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79.

You can see what it looks like in the following video.

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Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.