Out There

From the Pocket Gamer workhorse's mouth: David Ranki

The Villain of Vauxhall

From the Pocket Gamer workhorse's mouth: David Ranki

It's Christmas. That means the staff of Pocket Gamer is drunk, if not on alcohol then on the giddying sensation that comes from receiving numerous expensive presents.

All this frivolity means we're not writing stories today. To enable you to connect with us in a different way - one that doesn't involve the transmission of news, reviews, and features concerning the world of portable gaming - we've decided to go on about ourselves a bit.

Look into David Ranki's eyes, look into his eyes, his eyes, his eyes. Not around his eyes. Don't look around his eyes. Look into David Ranki's eyes.

And... you're under.

Favourite portable gaming platform?

Android. Obviously I'm biased, but it's the most exciting phone format for 2011.

Favourite portable game of the year...

Zenonia (only came to Android this year for the pedants out there). Takes me right back to the halcyon days of 16-bit RPGs, with enough knowing winks to play off the nostalgia perfectly.

...and of all time?

Tetris (Game Boy) - face it, this one's never getting topped.

Favourite home console game of the year...

Hmm, to be honest, my PC's had much more of my love this year (new StarCraft and Civ in the same year was almost too much for me), but I'll say Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii - it's probably taken up the most hours of my single-player gaming time, and I can't think of many games that give you such a sense of achievement as taking down the increasingly ridiculous bosses in this.

...and of all time?

Final Fantasy VI (SNES) - nobody forgets their first FF game, and replaying this one a few months back reminded me just what a special game it is. Picking a favourite game from all genres and platform is pretty much impossible, but I've never been impressed by a game in so many ways as this one.

Will you be getting a 3DS?

Absolutely. The 3D is an interesting novelty for me, but relying on my phones for gaming on the move for the last few years means I've missed out on loads of great DS games, and I don't want to make the same mistake this generation.

What are you hoping to get for Christmas?

Money for my 3DS fund.

What's your new year's resolution?

Not to say I'm giving up smoking this year.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.