
Pocket Gamer recommends Pocket Gamer Facebook Recommendation buttons

Word of mouth

Pocket Gamer recommends Pocket Gamer Facebook Recommendation buttons

You may have noticed a subtle change to the site - one which will be especially pertinent to anyone who uses Facebook (is there anyone left in the world who doesn’t?)

At the bottom of each story, just below the Twitter and sharing buttons, is a Facebook Recommend button. Clicking it will post a link to the story on your page, and allow you to recommend anything that catches your eye to your friends.

As well as making it more convenient for you to share stories you’re interested in, you'll also be providing us with invaluable feedback on what kind of content is most popular.

In other words, the Facebook Recommend button helps us to help you to help us to help you.

Ben Maxwell
Ben Maxwell
Ben is an eager young games journalist who, when touring with his band, happily replaces sex, drugs, and rock & roll with Advance Wars, Drop7, rock, and Rolando...