
iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 131 - Return of the Jon

The too many new releases edition

iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 131 - Return of the Jon

Jon Jordan’s back in the pod for this week’s ‘cast, joining Keith and Will to talk about the latest iPhone and iPad gaming news, games, and reviews.

This week we talk about guard habits in games (in relation to Gameloft’s upcoming Silent Ops), another batch of iPhone 5 rumours (predictably), and Will attempts to tutor the others on Magic the Gathering due to the presence of Kard Combat.

There’s been an absolute ton of new releases - so much so that Will can’t fit everything into the round-up at the start. You can get the low-down on all the games we mention in this section by following this link.

Meanwhile in the What We’ve Been Playing fields we’ve been playing lots of freemium games (Tiny Tower, Sunshine Cruiseline), quirky titles that come recommended (Tiny Lights, 1-bit Ninja, Shadow Cities), and quirky titles that don’t come recommended (Marvel Kapow!, FishMoto).

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).