
iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 81 - iPhone 4G, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Mirror's Edge rumours

Four is the magic number

iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 81 - iPhone 4G, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Mirror's Edge rumours

It's a full house this week, with all four hosts together again to record on the eve of what will almost certainly be the announcement, next Monday, of the iPhone 4G.

We take a moment to discuss Jobs's next super-phone along with his (negative) views on Gizmodo and Flash, before exploring the reason for Prince of Persia: Warrior Within's abrupt removal from the App Store and Alex's opinion of the 64GB 3G iPad.

Oh, and we spend an inordinate amount of time talking about boobs.

Speaking of boobs, huge apologies to the small number of people who downloaded the early version of the podcast, which I messed up.


Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.