
iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 59 - The War Edition

We go to war with Trenches, Battle Blasters and The Horrible Vikings

iPhone gaming podcast: Episode 59 - The War Edition

It’s time for our second podcast of the week - this time with an all important technical difference.

Now that our sound gremlins have been banished to the dimension of talking horses in the cheese plant quadrant of silly space (which is where they clearly belong), we have turned our attentions to sorting out the file sizes.

Gone are those neutron star taunting 100MB dark matter giants and in their place are some svelte, gaseous celestial bodies. We don’t know where these astrological analogies are coming from, but there can be no doubt that our podcast is more heavenly than ever.

In this episode we get all warlike, with Trenches, Battle Blasters and The Horrible Vikings. Each game is chewed over then hastily quantified in a quick fire thumbs up or thumbs down stylee. Then Rob starts to talk about the films that make him blub and the games that cause him to miss important things like eating and sleep.

To get at this avalanche of audio nectar, just head to iTunes, where you can stream or download any of the episodes, including the last. There’s also the RSS option, or, you can even listen via your browser at the end of this link.

That’s it - enjoy, folks, and don’t be shy if you have any awesome suggestions for making our podcast even better. Click ‘Track It!’ to catch next week’s episode with a minimum of fuss.