
Prepare to nudge, tilt and flip

Pinball Hall of Fame – The Gottlieb Collection bumps its way onto PSP

Prepare to nudge, tilt and flip

Before there were videogame arcades, pinball machines ruled the pockets of spotty teenagers and bored businessmen. Twenty five years on, game arcades are on the way out and pinball machines aren't doing much better either.

So maybe it's the right time for the two types to try and come together. Of course, there have been plenty of pinball computer games before - everything from KISS Pinball to Muppet Pinball Mayhem, Sonic Pinball, Pokemon Pinball, Pac-Man Pinball and Metroid Pinball. But as the first pinball game to take advantage of PSP's brilliant widescreen and use its shoulder buttons as flipper controllers, Pinball Hall of Fame – The Gottlieb Collection has the chance to do something a little bit different.

But first things first. As the title suggests, this is no gimmicky shovelware. Instead it features 11 of US company Gottlieb's best known pinball tables such as Aces High, Central Park, Big Shot, Genie, Black Hole, and Victory. Authentic sound effects and attention to detail in terms of visuals and play modes are promised. You'll also be able to play two-player versions of the tables using the wi-fi game sharing mode.

Due for release on the 10th of February, The Gottlieb Collection will be nudging its way into shops at a highly reasonable £25.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.