
Playstation Network coming to the PSP?

PlayStation 3 games on your PSP or maybe even on your PSP phone...

Playstation Network coming to the PSP?

We have written about some of the more exciting promised PlayStation 3 and PSP connectivity features so many times on Pocket Gamer, that in light of their continued failure to materialise it seems faintly ridiculous to devote more coverage to them.

However comments made by SCEA's Michael Shorrock at the Online Game Developer's Conference in Seattle last week have aroused our intrigue in the nebulous PS3 to PSP connectivity once more.

Shorrock revealed that Sony's online strategy will soon include on-demand full-length movies, music, and TV programs, which will be delivered "direct to users via PS3 and PSP." Whether this means Sony will roll out wireless Playstation Store downloads for the PSP rather than a more restrictive side-loading solution, requiring a PS3 in the loop, is still unclear.

Interestingly Shorrock did speak specifically about the evolution of the PSP's wireless relationship with the PS3, claiming that the PS3 Playstation Network would soon include "gaming via PSP and mobile devices".

We await more solid details, but it seems that in spite of more high-profile projects such as PSP HOME connectivity, there is still an internal push at Sony for PS3-related gaming on the PSP, as was claimed at E3 last May and then again to the Japanese press last October.

The mention of 'mobile devices' is even more intriguing and, although muted against the more show stopping announcement of a confirmed video download service, this little snippet might end up being the bigger reveal.

Sony Ericsson PSP anyone? More on this as soon as we have it.