
EGX Rezzed 2015: Titan Souls is The Legend of Zelda meets Shadow of the Colossus

...and every bit as good as that sounds

EGX Rezzed 2015: Titan Souls is The Legend of Zelda meets Shadow of the Colossus
| Titan Souls

You find yourself surrounded by mystical ruins with only your bow, and a magical, returning arrow. You step onto a panel. You are now immortal.

Titan Souls pits you against 80 titans, gigantic monsters that make up a fully explorable overworld, the like of which we've seen recently in The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.

There are no rewards or upgrades here. You'll only ever have one hit point, and every time a titan knocks you into oblivion you'll wake up at a checkpoint nearby.

Thankfully, controlling your sprightly little character is a joy. He can roll faster and further than Link, and after each roll he'll speed up if you keep holding the roll button.

Your only weapon is a bow that can fire a huge arrow. By holding the firing button again, you can summon the arrow back to you. You can use this ability strategically to injure titans if you place yourself just right.

The EGX Rezzed demo placed you in a closed environment with three huge doors and a large arena. Behind each door lurked a titan, and the arena played host to the final, perhaps most difficult battle.

The four bosses I fought were magnificent beasts - a brain in a blob, a brain in a block of ice, an eye in a stone cube that shoots out laser beams, and two stone fists reminiscent of Super Mario 64's Eyerok boss fight.

After defeating each boss, drawing your arrow back also makes you absorb each titan's soul in a spectacular fashion. You rise up, spinning until a white aura explodes around you.

Looking around at how other players were faring, you're bound to die several times before you figure out each boss's patterns. I almost gave up at one point as stone fists kept pummelling me relentlessly after each misstep.

Once you do figure out a strategy, some of the bosses seem almost too easy. The developers told me this would be resolved by the hard mode, a New Game+ of sorts where each boss is beefed up for a truly unimaginable challenge.

Titan Souls will release on the PS Vita and PlayStation 4 (cross-buy) on April 14th for $15.

Danny Russell
Danny Russell
After spending years in Japan collecting game developers' business cards, Danny has returned to the UK to breed Pokemon. He spends his time championing elusive region-exclusive games while shaking his fist at the whole region-locking thing.