
This week on the PS Vita Store: Worms Revolution Extreme, Malicious Rebirth, and Atomic Ninjas

The worms have turned... to Vita

This week on the PS Vita Store: Worms Revolution Extreme, Malicious Rebirth, and Atomic Ninjas

'What does the old PS Vita store have in, err, store for us this week?' I vaguely hear you ask.

The answer, as I've discovered, is very much a mixed bag.

The new games on offer aren't too shabby, but there isn't anything too wonderful here, either. Meanwhile, there's been a number of price cuts, but they are mainly on games that haven't already been on offer before.

Essentially, if you only got a PS Vita recently, this week might be great for you. If you're a Vita veteran, though, there won't be much to get you all hot and bothered.

Let's check it all out, then...

Full-price releases

When a Worms game is the most noteworthy release of the week, you sort of know you're in trouble.

Worms Revolution Extreme isn't bad, mind. Quite the contrary, in fact. It's just that, well, it's another Worms game. And, well, if you've played Worms before, then this isn't going to really excite you much.

In case you desperately need it in your life, though, you can grab a copy of Worms Revolution Extreme for £11.99 / $14.99.

Meanwhile, Malicious Rebirth is a PS Vita port of the Japanese PS3 RPG. The original release was pretty average, so expect this Vita version to also be distinctly mediocre. It costs £9.99 / $14.99.

The US release of Atomic Ninjas for $9.99 rounds off this week's new releases segment.

Sales, price drops, and PS Plus

This week's sales are a little more interesting... especially if you only got your Vita recently.

The wonderful Gravity Rush is now just £8.03, while LittleBigPlanet Vita is a mere £9.59 (the PSP version is just £3.24!).

Meanwhile, the glorious Uncharted: Golden Abyss is £11.99. The not-so-glorious Uncharted: Fight for Fortune, however, is £4.88.

Please note that you can download both Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Gravity Rush for free at the moment if you have a PS Plus subscription.

PlayStation Mobile releases

There are two new PS Mobile games this week, and neither looks particularly enthralling.

Zen Accumulator costs £3.19, and involves your dropping water onto a board to clean up mess. It's a "meditative puzzle game". You know, in case you're into those.

Dark Quest is a turn-based dungeon-crawler with a particularly retro look and feel to it. It doesn't look that bad at all, but I can't see anything novel about it.

That's your lot - see you again next week!

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.