
Bug-eyed aliens ahoy in Omega Squadron: Annihilation 3D

Are there no other planets besides Earth to invade?

Bug-eyed aliens ahoy in Omega Squadron: Annihilation 3D

Stop press! Aliens have invaded earth yet again. Seriously, if we had a penny…

In Gamevil's new mobile title, Omega Squadron: Annihilation 3D, you take up residence in the cockpit of a futuristic jet fighter named Burning Fox to try and rid our planet of an invading alien horde.

Those expecting the '3D' in the title to suggest something resembling, say, Starfox on the Nintendo consoles, however, might be left wanting as the game is a topdown Xevious style vertical scrolling shoot-'em-up. It's a genre that despite being an ideal fit for mobiles is not terribly common, which makes its appearance all the more welcome.

The visuals look reassuringly flashy and being in glorious 3D, the game is sure to be high on screen-filling spectacle as you hurtle through starry open space, asteroid fields and a ravaged Earth backdrop. There are also various weapon upgrades promised, including one that can freeze time.

From what we can see, it's all shaping up nicely. In fact, our only gripe is that the game is currently a US-only release. Here's hoping we get a crack at some alien blasting over here soon.