
Office Heroes, free-to-play FarmVille for drones, goes live on iPhone

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Office Heroes, free-to-play FarmVille for drones, goes live on iPhone
| Office Heroes

Need another distraction to stop you doing your work? Office Heroes might be the game for you.

A FarmVille for cubicle drones, the free-to-play game takes a typical path having you performing time-based activities to gain the Career Points and level up so you can carry out more complex tasks. Of course, these let you earn more CP and enable you to customise your character and office.

The in-app purchase side of the game comes into play with Paperclips, which can also be earned, if very slowly, and are used for high value items.

Joining instructions

Released for iPhone and iPod touch, Office Heroes forces you to login into your Facebook account in order to play.

Your Facebook photo is used as your in-game image for example. And although you don't have to share your status updates on Facebook, the further you get into the game, the more important it becomes to bombard your friends with requests and visit their offices.

Still, Office Heroes has a great art style - a bit anime, a bit super-deformed - and the early customisation themes follow the popular zombie, vampire, pirate, ninja memes, so everything seems to be in order if this type of time management game is your thing.

Office Heroes is out now and free, and if you register within the first five days of launch, you'll be rewarded with 10,000 career points and 10 Paperclips.

You can see how it plays in the following video.

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Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.