
Astro Ape brings FarmVille to the workplace with Office Heroes

Avoid work while playing at avoiding work

Astro Ape brings FarmVille to the workplace with Office Heroes
| Office Heroes

Like being a cat or a dog person, the gaming world seems to be fundamentally split in terms of whether you like FarmVille and its ilk, or run away screaming at the lack of challenge.

It's a divide that's likely to define your view on Office Heroes, a new iPhone game from US start up Astro Ape Studio, which is being described as Cubical FarmVille.

Clocking on

A time and resource management game, it puts you in control of a office drone you have to promote up the greasy pole of corporate success.

As is the want of such games and jobs, there are lots of time dependent and repetitive tasks for you to busy yourself with while avoiding work, such as blogging, tweeting, playing solitaire, gossiping, updating your resume, watching movies and shopping online.

These earn you career points. Together with the in-game currency, Paperclips, these enable you to customise your look - examples include office ninja or pirate - and your office environment.

Of course, dragging your friends into the fun is a massive part of such experiences, so the game uses Facebook Connect, enabling you to share your achievements, help friends with their tasks, and visit their offices.

Office Heroes is due sometime in July. You can get a idea how it plays in the following video.

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Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.