
Engine Software shows off motion-sensing DSi peripheral

Game coming to DSiWare

Engine Software shows off motion-sensing DSi peripheral

Nintendo's Satoru Iwata recently revealed that his company has plans to release a motion-sensing successor to the DSi. Engine Software has beaten him to it. Sort of.

In an email that landed earlier on the Pocket Gamer e-doormat, Engine's delightfully named Ivo Wubbels revealed that, “for the Nintendo DSi we have developed technology that detects motion of the DSi, or movement by the player, and subsequently uses this data for a wide range of gameplay implementations.”

To showcase one of these gameplay implementations, Engine has created a proof of concept game called TILT, in which the player tilts his DSi to steer a ball down a floating track. It looks a lot like Super Monkey Ball.

Interestingly, this isn't just a clever tech demo. Engine claims it's working on a game for DSiWare, though to play it we assume you'll need to get your hands on some kind of hardware peripheral, of which there's no mention.

This isn't the first time motion-sensing has been mooted for the DSi. Back in January last year we learned that Nintendo had filed a patent for a 'DS Direction Sensor Card' to go with its then-forthcoming hardware update.

And, of course, on the ordinary DS it's possible (in Japan) to play Slide Adventure MAGKID, which uses a motion-sensing peripheral that plugs into the GBA slot - an orifice the Dsi lacks.

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Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.