
DS: biggest selling UK console this year

And a total of two million sold since 2005

DS: biggest selling UK console this year

Numbers, numbers. Personally, after I've run out of fingers and toes, everything starts to become a little meaningless. Clearly though Nintendo has a huge abacus, as the company has churned out some more DS install base figures.

This time, they're just for the UK, with Nintendo (together with the beancounters at Chart Track) claiming there are two million DS and DS Lites being played through our fair land.

And in conjunction with the seven million DSs Nintendo claimed last week that it had sold throughout Europe, this makes the UK the European heartland of DS, accounting for a massive 29 percent of the total.

Nintendo also says the DS has been the highest selling console in the UK so far in 2006 – take that PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PSP and, ahem, GameCube.

Indeed, when it comes to Sony's arch rival portable, Nintendo reckons DS is currently outselling PSP by a factor of 2.5, which if true would give PSP a UK install base of a mere 800,000. (That seems rather low to us, however).

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.