
Nintendo 3DS shifts 113,000 units in first two days in UK

37 per cent of all European sales were in Blighty

Nintendo 3DS shifts 113,000 units in first two days in UK

Last month, we wondered how the Nintendo 3DS launch would fare compared to its DS daddy.

Nintendo has revealed sales figures for Europe and the UK today showing that it's doing very well indeed.

Over 113,000 3DS units were sold in the UK during its first two days on sale, making it the fastest selling Nintendo console ever to be released in the UK.

That's compared to 105,000 units for the original DS and 87,000 units for the Nintendo Wii.

Nintendo also confirmed that the 3DS shifted 303,000 units in total across Europe. This means that 37 per cent of all European 3DS units were sold in the UK.

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.