
Power Pak+ battery pack claims to double the 3DS battery life

Because three hours just isn't enough

Power Pak+ battery pack claims to double the 3DS battery life

One big talking point regarding the Nintendo 3DS has been the battery life, with some gamers worrying that they won't even be able to get through a long train journey without their handheld running out of juice midway.

Indeed, in our 3DS review, Damien noted that with the 3D slider up, "you’ll only get around three hours of play out of a single charge".

Fortunately, some third-party hardware is here to save the day. Nyko's Power Pak+ can be attached to the back of your 3DS, and promises to "double the battery life of the original 3DS battery".

Launching at the same time as the 3DS later this month, and costing $19.99 (no UK release date as of yet), the kit may well become a must-have for regular 3DS gamers.

Note that you'll probably want to pick up the Nyko Charge Base, too, which makes charging the Power Pak+ far easier. The two together will set you back $29.99.

Nintendo 3DS Blog
Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.