
3DS to use automatic wi-fi connection

Places ghosts in your machine without telling you

3DS to use automatic wi-fi connection

Nintendo’s newest portable will use automatic wi-fi that can communicate with wireless access points and other 3DS consoles without you needing to manually switch the function on.

This was presented by Satoru Iwata as a way for players to gain rankings, ghost times, and even bonus stages in games just by travelling with the console in your pocket and without having to fiddle about with any settings.

While the new function could be open to security concerns from some of the more cynical quarters, as a DS owner who practically never touched the wi-fi due to the hassle and low likely-hood of finding a suitable access point, it strikes me as being a far easier way of updating games.

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).