
Shave seconds off your lap times with Mario Kart 7 Combo Explorer app for iOS and Android

Speed run

Shave seconds off your lap times with Mario Kart 7 Combo Explorer app for iOS and Android
| Mario Kart 7

Mario Kart 7 is a great game. We all know this - it might as well be proven fact. However, there is one area that has had us scratching our heads every time we play: which kart is best with which wheels?

Kart customization has been a feature of Mario Kart games for a while now, but Mario Kart 7 really took it to a whole new level, with tons of combinations and careful consideration needed for each particular track.

Back on track

Enter the Combo Explorer, an app for your iPhone or Android which lets you more easily explore the different kart combinations, compare them with each other, and find out exactly what you should be using for reach situation.

Need to shave some seconds off a lap record? Looking to blast past all your opponents online? Then this is the app for you. It goes stupidly in-depth, with stats that are essentially hidden by the main game.

You can grab the Combo Explorer from either the App Store or the Android Market for £1.49 [buy]. It's worth noting that it's not an official Nintendo product, but it is officially useful.

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.