
Movie Quiz premiers on the App Store

Test your big screen knowledge on the iPhone

Movie Quiz premiers on the App Store
| Movie Quiz

Do you know who played Batman in The Dark Knight? Where does the Wizard of Oz live? And who does Jerry Lundegaard plan to have kidnapped in Fargo?

These are the kind of Hollywood brain-teasers being posed by Finblade's new iPhone game, Movie Quiz. The concise title does a pretty decent job of outlining what you can expect from this game, so we won't dwell on explanations other than to say it promises several thousand such movie-based conundrums. Over to Fergus McNeill, FinBlade CEO:

"Our experience in taking several iPhone projects from conception to release has been invaluable on this feature-packed title. We've been pushing ourselves technically and listening closely to feedback so users can really see the results in Movie Quiz."

Not wanting to sound like a clever clogs (or Barry Norman) I knew the answers to those questions that came bundled with the press release (and the one in the screenshot, though I'm less likely to admit that publically). That said, it's kind of piqued my interest, as being something of a well-anoraked film bore this is exactly the kind of trivia I can use to thwart my bespectacled nemeses at the comic shop.

And why not?

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.