The Simpsons Arcade
| The Simpsons Arcade

The appearance of a new Simpsons game is always an intriguing one. Much as the TV series often throws up random, surreal plotlines, the gaming spin-offs tend to be an unpredictable bunch, ranging from fighting games to racing and even a Grand Theft Auto clone.

Not only do they vary in style but also in execution, with some absolutely terrible releases mingled in with some really great titles. So it’s reassuring to find that The Simpsons Arcade revisits one of the first, and best, genres The Simpsons games tackled: the side-scrolling beat-'em-up.

Old (Springfield Elementary) School

You, as Homer, must move from the left-hand side of the screen to the right, beating, headbutting, throwing and punching anybody who stands in your way.

The controls are simple but effective. Pressing ‘5’ initiates an attack and multiple presses start a combo. Walking into objects picks them up, while grappling and throwing opponents is as easy as walking into them.

These opponents mainly take the form of shady agents, complete with sunglasses and mullets, who are trying to prevent Homer from getting hold of a doughnut that contains some sort of top-secret plan (the game is suitably vague as to what this plan is).

Each agent is colour-coded by the form of attack he performs, and the game introduces each new type with a quick cut-scene. These standard foes are nicely varied, each with their own quirks and tactics, and helps keep the fighting interesting throughout the game’s six stages.

"You might recognise me from such episodes as…"

At the middle and end of each stage, one of the more recognisable cast members such as Chief Wiggum or Krusty the Clown make an appearance as a boss character.

These encounters tend to play to the characters’ traits well, with Mayor Quimby spending most of his time hiding in his limo’s trunk, calling in agents to fight for him, while Kent Brockman throws his microphone like a whip.

Unfortunately other than some inspired weapons, the trademark Simpsons humour is lacking in this title. Characters do deliver silly one-liners during boss fights, but the lack of any real cut-scenes beyond the intro is disappointing.

What’s more of an issue, though, is the brevity of the experience. Completing the game will take a maximum of an hour, mainly due to the slightly excessive free lives the game doles out, as well as the lack of difficulty modes and any incentives to replay.

That said, it’s a very enjoyable hour and fans looking for an easy-to-control fighting game for their mobile can’t go too far wrong with The Simpsons Arcade.

The Simpsons Arcade

It may lack the humour of other Simpsons titles, and last approximately two episodes of the television series, but fighting fans will enjoy the simple and engaging gameplay The Simpsons Arcade offers
Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).