
Mobile games to benefit from new facial tracking technology

Genemation wants to warp your features

Mobile games to benefit from new facial tracking technology

Considering that most mobile handsets come with in-built digital cameras these days, it is surprising that there is still only a fairly limited range of software that makes use of them. There are of course various photo editing programs, but very little in the way of fun and playful applications like those that accompany Sony's EyeToy, say.

However it seems computer vision technology company Genemation might just change that, thanks to its new facial computer vision technology that's arriving fresh from the patent office.

The technology, called simply GenMobile, includes real-time facial feature tracking, which could be used variously for games, photo sharing and social networking. The technology is billed as an ideal fit for mobiles and the features sound very entertaining.

Images of people can be manipulated to look older or of a different ethnicity, and there are also full facial morphing possibilities, where photographed faces can be merged or blended with those of celebrities or other famous figures.

With the simultaneous rise of mobile gaming, social networking and the sound bite that just won't die – user generated content – Genemation may be making the smart move in arriving at the party early. We will be keeping a look out for any future mobile games or fun applications that make use of GenMobile, so click 'Track It!' to make sure you stay in the know.