How Tos

Dead by Daylight ranking system explained

Once it was called ranks, these days it's called grades.

Dead by Daylight ranking system explained

Dead by Daylight is one of the most popular multiplayer horror games available for PC and consoles. Four Survivors will have to be rescued from different Killing Grounds by performing certain tasks. But at the same time, the fifth player will play the role of a ruthless Killer and try to catch and kill all the Survivors.

This kind of gameplay, along with procedural level generation, creates millions of unique situations. And the more victories you can get playing as a Killer or a Survivor, the higher you increase your Rank. So, in this guide, we'll explain the Dead by Daylight ranking system. And while you are here, make sure to check our list of Dead by Daylight codes. Also, feel free to check our Dead by Daylight killer tier list.


In any multiplayer game, there should be a well-thought-out ranking system. While playing the game, players must complete various tasks and win matches to earn points. And after reaching a certain number of points, you can increase your Rank. In addition to the Rank rewards, players will also face strong opponents, and often, players are selected for matches based on the ranking system. Such a system was present in Dead by Daylight as well. But after patch 5.2.0, the rules changed a bit, and the ranking system stopped affecting matchmaking.


Former ranks in Dead by Daylight are now called Grades. They are divided into several qualities of four grades each. There are five qualities in total:

  • Ash - Grade 20 to 17
  • Bronze - Grade 16 to 13
  • Silver - Grade 12 to Grade 9
  • Gold - Grade 8 to 5
  • Iridescent - Grade 4 to 1

However, your Rank will not affect the selection of players for the match in any way. Instead, you must rank up for the rewards in the Ranking Season. And if you want to get all the rewards before the end of the season, you must collect as many Pips as possible by completing four types of tasks:

  • Boldness - You must interact with the Killer.
  • Altruism - You must interact with Survivors.
  • Survival - You must interact with Survivors.
  • Objectives - You must interact with objects on the map.


Now that you are familiar with the ranking system, you are probably wondering how the game selects players for matches. Behavior Interactive decided to balance the chances of all players. Therefore, the selection of players depends on the skill level of each of their characters. This means that even if you play as a low-level Killer, your victims will also have the same skill level. This system is fair and helps players learn how to get a hang of new characters more easily.

That's all you need to know about the ranking system in Dead by Daylight. Of course, separating Ranks from matchmaking can be confusing for most new players, but after a couple of matches, you'll realise how effective the system is - and we hope that in the future, the game will become even better. In the meantime, follow our articles so as not to miss any news about the game - and while you are still here, make sure to check our guide on how to win as the Killer in Dead by Daylight Mobile!