
A Brief History of Mobile Games

Or how we got from WAP to Reset Generation

A Brief History of Mobile Games

Stephen Hawkins' A Brief History of Time was famous as the book people bought to put on their shelves to appear clever, despite few actually attempting to read it. Well, you can't put our A Brief History of Mobile Games on your shelf but it is free and organised in nine easy-to-skip-read chapters. And you never know, a quick perusal might find some nuggets of mobile gaming history lodging in your brain, ready to be unleashed whenever you next find yourself in a lift with Trip Hawkins or Michel Guillemot.

"Hey", you could say, "Trip/Michel, why didn't you name your company THAWENT/MGUIENT like Scott Orr did with SORRENT?"

They would surely be impressed.

Anyhow, you can find the entire A Brief History of Mobile Games over on our sister site Or, alternatively dip into the chapters piecemeal.

A Brief History of Mobile Games: Intro
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 1990s - Snake and WAP
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2000 - JAMDAT, Gameloft and WAP
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2001 - Vivazzi, Picofun and Riot-E
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2002 - Java, BREW and Space Invaders
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2003 - Colour phones and N-Gage
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2004 - JAMDAT, IOMO and EA Mobile
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2005 - Gizmondo, Tetris and Glu
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2006 - 3D, iFone and Gizmondo
A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2007/8 - New N-Gage and iPhone
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.