
Test your little grey calls with Mensa Brain Test for iPhone

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Test your little grey calls with Mensa Brain Test for iPhone
| Mensa Brain Test

Personally, I think Mensa's a bit like the freemasons: part financial scam, part self selecting group that has a cult like focus on a certain human characteristic; in this case intelligence as defined by standardised tests.

Then again, maybe I shouldn't have confused the two initiation ceremonies. You don't get extra points for a funny hand shake and a hairy lower leg in Mensa, while the masons really aren't interested in inductive logic, just whether you know the chief constable.

Insane in the membrane

Anyhow, if you want to see how you compare to the rest of the population when it comes to IQ - Mensa members have to be in the top two percent to qualify - this is the app for you.

Mensa Brain Test is an official product that provides genuine questions of the variety used in official Mensa test papers.

Obviously, to qualify properly, you have to take a physical test with a certified person, so the game is positioned somewhere between a bit of fun and a training aid.

It kicks off with a training mode to warm you up, and then you're thrown into a sequence of 20 short questions, 40 medium questions and 60 long questions.

At the end, you'll get a score and a virtual certificate which you can email or upload to Facebook.

Mensa Brain Test is out now, priced $1.99, €1.59 or £1.19.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.