
Xbox 360 adventure Lost Planet will launch simultaneously on phones

Provided they can find it

Xbox 360 adventure Lost Planet will launch simultaneously on phones
| Lost Planet

Mobile phone games famously attract lots of people who aren't into conventional games – women and the middle-aged who are more into casual games.

But a growing number of hardcore gamers are seeing the attractions of a game device you can play with near-impunity in the office, and it's this market Capcom hopes to tap into with its mobile release of Lost Planet.

The high-profile Xbox 360 game will go on sale in January, and at the same time a mobile version will be released across all the major networks.

Pitched as a prologue to the Xbox 360 adventure, in Lost Planet you'll take on the role of hero Gale and battle against the Akrid (colossal alien life forms that inhabit the ice world where the game is set) on foot and in 'vital suits', the latter being essentially robot frames that wrap around human beings (aka the 'mechs' familiar to dedicated gamers).

You'll even have to avoid the affects sub zero temperatures, which as on the Xbox 360 is one of the biggest threats you'll face.

Click 'Track It!' to be alerted of our Lost Planet review, which we expect to tap out in the cold depths of January.