
Ex-Tomb Raider designers form iOS studio: Lady Shotgun Games

Humerous casual action title planned

Ex-Tomb Raider designers form iOS studio: Lady Shotgun Games

A new female-orientated mobile development studio by the name of Lady Shotgun Games has been set up by ex-Tomb Raider designers Anna Marsh and Sarah van Rompaey.

Marsh revealed to Gamasutra that the move is the result of a shared desire for creative freedom - to make their mark as something more than just "one cog in the machine".

Establishing their own indie studio makes a welcome break away from big projects and companies where she said there's "lots of hoops to jump through to get a game to release".

"It's great to be able to do something that little bit more organically, more freely, where we can put together a game that we simply think is a just lots of fun to play without trying to please all of the people all of the time.

What to expect

Marsh confirmed that the studio's first project will be a casual action title, but that it would be "much faster and more casual friendly then the console titles I've worked on".

"We're binding it together with a great tongue in cheek narrative that makes me laugh every time I read it - I adore that you can get away with humour in casual titles. And I can say that we all have a bit of a penchant for 80's cheesy movies."

Lauren Adamson
Lauren Adamson
Before she resigns herself to a future involving craziness and cats, you can find Lauren doodling, daydreaming, writing the odd story, watching hyper-violent cartoons, and desperately trying to cope with the extreme pain of being separated from Skyrim whenever she's away from home.