
Kojak gets ahead on mobile

He's baldly going where no TV detective has gone before

Kojak gets ahead on mobile

With mobile games publishers ever keen to find new brands to make games around, it's perhaps surprising that TV detective dramas remain a relatively untapped source of material.

We'd certainly pay £5 for a decent game based on Murder She Wrote, Columbo, or especially Life On Mars. Gene Hunt's Suspect Slap 'Em Up would be a guaranteed smash, we're sure.

Ojom hasn't signed any of those brands up (as far as we know), but it is releasing a game based on '70s detective show Kojak. It's called Kojak – Detective Puzzles, and it's a collection of logic puzzles and action mini-games.

Included are car chases, piecing together identikit images of suspects, gathering evidence from crime scenes, and running phone taps. It sounds to us like Ojom might have taken inspiration from I-play's two 24 games, which followed a similar pattern of mini-games circling a central plot.

Puzzles are completed against a time limit, and Ojom promises full 1970s flavour from the game's visuals, complete with pork-pie hats, sideburns and flares. (People still wear all of those in East London, y'know.)

By the way, if Kojak – Detective Puzzles sounds familiar, that's because Ojom originally announced it last July. Heaven knows why it's taken this long to release, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait.

On the other hand, if you've never heard of Kojak, you're clearly not part of Orange's recently unveiled 'Atari Generations' demographic – wizened old 30-somethings who relive their glory days on their mobile phones when they get back from the pub. Or who even write news stories getting excited about them!

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)