
Johnny Crash has a spectacular collision with App Store

Don't try this at home says Trip

Johnny Crash has a spectacular collision with App Store

The little known Johnny Crash was one of Digital Chocolate's first one-button games.

All you did was fire the blonde bombshell out of a cannon, pressing and holding that button to extend his flight, as well as trying to crash into obstacles mid-air, and finally bringing the adventurer down to earth, preferably onto some hard and painful. Such is the life of the human cannonball.

Johnny got an encore in Johnny Crash Stuntman does Texas, but that too was back in days of 2005, when the iPhone remained a glint in Jonathan Ive's eye.

Now how the fearless aviator has fallen onto the App Store. Redesigned for iPhone and iPod touch, you can use the accelerometer feature to shoot Johnny Crash out of his cannon, controlling his movements by tilting the device to send him soaring through the air crashing into helicopters, UFOs, vultures, oil rigs, tornados, and lightning storms as he goes.

Levels are set in Texas and New York City, and you'll unlock new power-ups and objects to crash into as you go. There's also a replay mode which will capture you most daring stunts, and a hand-around multiplayer mode.

But remember, as Digital Chocolate CEO Trip 'Hazard' Hawkins warns, "We do not recommend people try these stunts at home".

Johnny Crash is available for $4.99 or £1.79, plus there's a free version with a limited number of levels.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.