
It's no joke. Infinity Blade cut down to 99c/69p for a limited time

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It's no joke. Infinity Blade cut down to 99c/69p for a limited time
| Infinity Blade

Despite the date, it's no April Fool.

Epic and Chair have slashed the price of the original Infinity Blade to 99c.

We're not sure how long it will remain at this price, but we've been told it's for a limited time so if you've not played that game yet, it's worth breaking out into iTunes now.

Sale on swords

"With millions of players worldwide, the original Infinity Blade remains one of the most popular games ever launched on the App Store," said Donald Mustard, creative director, Chair Entertainment.

"We're excited for this opportunity to invite even more gamers to try Infinity Blade and test their skills against the God King."

You can also read our review of the game - a Gold award winner that Tracy described as "An achievement on multiple levels, Infinity Blade is an engrossing game that should be recognised for its gameplay as much as its graphics" - here.

Previously $5.99, Infinity Blade is now available as a universal app for iPhone and iPad, priced 99c, 69p or €0.79.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.