
Hands On With Glu's E3 mobile games lineup

Live from E3: World Series of Poker, ATV Offroad Fury, Project Gotham Racing

Hands On With Glu's E3 mobile games lineup

You can't swing a cat without hitting 17 mobile poker games at the moment, but Glu thinks it's onto a winner with its new World Series of Poker game, which is on show at E3.

We had a go, and it's a slick, smooth and absorbing game, although it's not obviously leagues ahead of Hands On Mobile's World Poker Tour title. However, there are some neat touches, such as the way Glu has signed up professional poker player Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson, who was signing autographs at E3 yesterday. The game also has a proper multiplayer mode for over-the-network play, which will hopefully make it into the UK release later this year.

Perhaps Glu's most exciting news of the show comes with its deal with Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) to do a mobile game based on PS2 title ATV Offroad Fury, to tie in with the next edition of the console game later this year. We played an early version, and found it has taken a side-on approach that reminds us of I-play's two Freestyle Moto-X games, with a similar emphasis on tricks and accurate landings when you take a big leap.

We also grabbed an ultra-quick look at a video of Project Gotham Racing in action on a mobile, which looks outstanding – fast and with all the slidey action of the Xbox (and now Xbox 360) flagship console game.

We also had another chance to lay our gloves on Super KO Boxing following our preview, and it's looking even more marvellous. The animations as you thump opposing boxers will have you giggling around the ring!

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)