
Eyes down for Full House Bingo

Gameloft's latest puts you up against the bingo pros

Eyes down for Full House Bingo
| Full House Bingo

Are there professional bingo players? We didn't realise our nan's hobby could lead to a career. But if it can, we'll start selling sponsorship on her Zimmer frame.

Until we sort that out, Gameloft's new Full House Bingo game is the closest we're going to get to the pro bingo circuit.

There's a distinct lack of the blue rinse brigade, though. Instead, this is all about glamorous-looking types and 'trendy' bingo halls. The game pits you against six bingo pros, with a choice of classic bingo rules or revamped alternatives for extra thrills.

You can also expect to use sneaky tricks to put off your opponents, and collect prizes as you progress through the game.

We'll hesitate to suggest that bingo is the next big trend in mobile gaming, but Full House Bingo could certainly appeal beyond the traditional audience for mobile titles.

The game is available now on Gameloft's own sites, and coming to an operator portal near you soon.

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)