
Friday Freebie: DS and PSP go IM crazy

While mobiles get a free WALL-E demo

Friday Freebie: DS and PSP go IM crazy

In this current age of ultra connectedness it is important to be well tooled for the task. Obviously we're not talking about the Buddhist philosophy of the fundamental interconnectedness of all things. If that were the case we'd need to somehow find a way of delivering tools such as the secret to unlimited patience and an orange robe to each of you for free. And, frankly, we're not equal to that task.

We're talking rather about the much more trivial world of IM clients which we can, in one form or another, deliver to your handhelds for free. Though it should be said that in enduring this convoluted intro, you have probably taken one more step towards transcendental spiritual oneness â€" eternal patience and enlightenment will soon be yours.


The PSP's offering this week is called heysan and it's a free IM client for your PSP. All you need to do is point your PSP browser here and voila, combined access to AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, and Yahoo! shall be yours (thanks to one of our forum members, vee_tee for that).

Now, we do have something similar for the DS. Sadly, however, it is a little less than legal, being homebrew and all, but the good news is that if you're already a Twitter user, it should be very familiar to you. The application, DSTwitter, does require you to have a reasonable grasp of running homebrew applications and you need to have a Twitter account, but apart from that, it's completely free. Remember, we don't condone this sort of thing, yet we just can't help but notice it from time to time.

Lastly on mobile we have an online demo for the rather enjoyable WALL-E which can be found by following this link. We have a team of boffins working hard behind the scenes to find a way of adding it to our own Demos section, so look out for it there too where it will hopefully be appearing soon.

And that, dear friends, is the sound of a fat lady humming. Do remember to give our freebie archive a poke in case there's something you missed and don't forget to click 'Track It!' to be sure not to miss next week's helping of costless handheld gaming cheer.