
Pre-loaded 3DS shooter Face Raiders uses camera to map faces

A whole new way to shoot your friends

Pre-loaded 3DS shooter Face Raiders uses camera to map faces
| Face Raiders

Today's European 3DS press event revealed tantalising facts about a new game called Face Raiders.

Details were pretty slim, but what we do know is that it'll come pre-loaded to the console, and that it uses the 3DS camera to create your Mii's face.

Early indications show that the game will be a shooter. It's unclear just yet whether shooting will be the game's sole focus, or whether it'll be a Wii Sports-style minigame compendium.

Either way, blasting away at your friends' Miis promises to be fun, and as a bundled game, we really can't grumble.

It's possible that the game will feature the same kind of hilarious face scribbling made possible by the Game Boy Camera, an add on for the classic Game Boy that allowed you to draw over photos you'd taken.

We can expect Face Raiders's Mii-happy social focus to link up nicely with the 3DS's SpotPass feature, too.

More news as it comes.

Richard Meads
Richard Meads
New intern Rich has been blessed with far, far too much free time and an overwhelming desire to jump on things. He tried doing the jumping in public, but people got scared. A lifelong addiction to platform games and a degree in creative writing later, he found his way to Pocket Gamer’s doorstep.