
Droid 2 R2-D2 snapped in the wild

This must be the droid you’re looking for

Droid 2 R2-D2 snapped in the wild

If the prospect of Motorola’s 1GHz Droid 2, released tomorrow in the US on Verizon, hasn’t got you salivating, then maybe this next droid is the one you’re looking for.

Snapped in the wild by an Engadget reader, the special edition Droid 2 comes in the form of a (slightly squashed) R2-D2.

Interestingly, it seems to be based on the original trilogy’s robotic companion rather than the stupid modern trilogy. I say this because I know for a fact that neither the real R2-D2 nor this special-edition phone can fly.

The R2-D2 Droid is expected to debut at the Star Wars-themed Celebration V conference today, while the Droid 2 will be available from Verizon tomorrow.

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).