
Ninja Kiwi tilts downwards with iPhone gem-grabber Driller Bunny

Not so flopsy

Ninja Kiwi tilts downwards with iPhone gem-grabber Driller Bunny
| Driller Bunny

New Zealand outfit Ninja Kiwi is well known for its Bloons series of Flash games, which have also been a big success on iOS thanks in part to Scottish developer Digital Goldfish.

Now, however, it's branching out with Driller Bunny, its first IP to be launched on iOS before web.

Not some sort of video nastie with floppy ears, this is a casual tilt game, perhaps vaguely inspired by Namco's Mr. Driller.

Rabbit miner

Your bunny drills down into the ground automatically, so all you have to do is provide direction to ensure he picks up as many of the gems as possible, by tilting.

Features include rock formations and air pockets, which change the speed and direction of your movement, while there are also different types of gems to collect.

Achievements are supported by Game Center, and the 60 currently available levels will be added to with at least another 40 via future update.

"Driller Bunny was dreamed up as a tilt-game for smart devices," says Stephen Harris, Ninja Kiwi director and co-founder.

"We design our web games to be fun and accessible with a mouse and keyboard, but smart devices open up awesome new family-friendly control possibilities. Driller Bunny is the perfect game for your iPhone."

Driller Bunny is out now for iPhone and iPod touch, priced 99c, €0.79 or 59p.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.