
Make Disney Friends on DS with Pooh, Cory, Stitch and Simba

No Mickey Mouse product

Make Disney Friends on DS with Pooh, Cory, Stitch and Simba
| Disney Friends

Considering its huge success, maybe the fact there haven't been more Nintendogs-clones on DS is a surprise. Certainly, day-to-day involvement with a pet is the major inspiration behind Disney Friends, a virtual life simulation for virtual life characters plucked from the company's back catalogue.

Winnie the Pooh, Cory the forgetful fish from Finding Nemo, young Lion King Simba, and space alien Stitch (our favourite) are your options when it comes to nuturing. As with Nintendogs, you'll be able to play with them using the stylus to interact directly and use the DS microphone for voice control.

Just check out these two perfect model urchins playing with their Disney Friends in this promo video:

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Tasks will include maintaining your Friends' general well-being and happiness – such as feeding Pooh his honey – but there will also be the opportunity to explore what Disney is calling 'memorable film environments and moments,' including simple mini-games. These will be linked into the game's real-time clock, meaning you'll have to deal with a day and night cycle. There will be special events and in-game holidays for you both to enjoy as well. But it won't be all fun and games. You'll have to gain your chums' favour by earning the gold required to buy them gifts. You'll also be able to find collectible pins that you can swap with any other Disney Friends-playing friends you might have.

Disney Friends is due to be released in the autumn.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.