
Dead or Alive 3DS to feature 3D motion-controlled boobs


Dead or Alive 3DS to feature 3D motion-controlled boobs
| Dead or Alive

Nintendo has a reputation as a children's video game company, and while this reputation isn't entirely fair there's still something odd about watching a franchise like Dead or Alive bouncing in the direction of a console whose immediate ancestor's best-selling title is Nintendogs.

Tecmo has no bones about producing sexually provocative games. In an interview with earlier this year, series producer Yoshinori Ueda openly admitted that if gamers masturbate to Dead or Alive's bouncing starlets, he considers the game a success.

The PlayStation 3 version of Temco's Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, meanwhile, features player-controlled breast-wobbling via the console's Sixaxis motion-sensing technology.

It seems the 3DS version of Dead or Alive will boast a similar feature.

The revelation comes from a Japanese investor who played Dead or Alive on 3DS at E3 and wrote on his blog, "In the end, I noticed that no one had shown a demo showcasing the motion sensing technology. When suddenly I heard a conversation from the DOA demo table: 'If you shake the system... yes, they jiggle.'"

So there it is. Nintendogs for the kids, Nintenpuppies for the grown-ups.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.